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Our Mission


NHCORR is committed to building strong recovery communities, eliminating barriers to recovery-supportive housing, and promoting best practice standards for New Hampshire's alcohol and drug free homes. 

The New Hampshire Coalition of Recovery Residences is a statewide organization established in 2017 to harness the collective energy, passion, and talent of recovery housing providers and recovery advocates. NHCORR provides voluntary certification of recovery houses and education and training to homeowners, managers, residents and the public. NHCORR is the New Hampshire affiliate of the National Alliance for Recovery Residences


NHCORR is an independent 501(c)3 organization. Our mission drives our collective concern for and support of the recovery home residents and their thriving recovery.


  • NHCORR certifies recovery homes to meet nationally recognized NARR quality standards for safety, recovery support, and ethical operation driven by the priority of resident well-being. We do this by educating homeowners/operators, by providing technical support and by certifying that all documents and the physical plant meet the best practice criteria. To learn about our certification program, visit our certification guide.

  • NHCORR advocates for certified homes at the local, state and federal level. We offer education, testimony and technical assistance to both the homeowner/operator and local, state and federal authorities and representatives about best practices in recovery housing. Discover our training and advocacy opportunities. 

  • NHCORR provides an avenue by which concerns, questions, and complaints about certified recovery homes can be reviewed and mediated. If you have concerns about a recovery home, contact our Ombudsman.

  • NHCORR manages a housing assistance program to assist people in recovery in obtaining and maintaining recovery housing. Visit our housing assistance page to learn more.

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